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23 july 2012
IBG was presented in the book " The Best Companies of the Voronezh region in 2011 "

According IBG expert council joined the list of the best companies in the Voronezh region in 2011 . The self-titled collection is published with the support of the Government of the Voronezh region , and contains information about enterprises and companies which are the basis of economic and social development of the region .

19 july 2012
Руководителем представительства IBG в Северо-Западном регионе назначен Александр Рососский

Head of the Mission of IBG in the Northwest region appointed Alexander Rosossky . Prior to joining the insurance business Rosossky Alexander served in the Armed Forces , since 1994 held senior positions in large retail companies. The main task of the head of representation will be the company's business development in the North- West region.


16 july 2012
At the end of the annual general meeting of shareholders approved the IBG " Corporate Governance Code "

At the end of the annual general meeting of shareholders approved the IBG «Corporate Governance Code of the company». The Code is the next step required to implement the principles of strategic management of the company . It also provides for the improvement of the internal control system , which in turn will improve the quality of customer service IBG.

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