The representative of IBG - the head of the Moscow office of IP Altukhov included in the Committee NULI liability insurance carriers with the right to vote (Minutes №1 dated 22.06.2012 Committee meeting). The Committee was created to meet the requirements of the Federal Law N 67-FZ of June 14, 2012 «On compulsory insurance of civil liability of the carrier for damage to life, health or property of passengers and the procedure of compensation of the harm caused to passengers by metro».
At the end of the annual general meeting of shareholders of IBG it adopted a new " Risk management policy " of the company . The policy is focused on standards of European Directive Solvency II risk management .
At the annual general meeting of shareholders of IBG ( JSC «Insurance business group») Summed up the results of the company for 2011 . The meeting approved the activities of IBG and defined future prospects of the company.