Insurance agencies in the city of Yaroslavl was awarded the general contract of marine insurance of cargo for 1 year with a major exporter of petrochemical products Ltd. "Arsenal " . Under the present contract has insured two international trucking from Russia to India until the end of 2015 it is planned several more major traffic.
Insurance agencies in the city of Orel contracts were concluded voluntary accident insurance of passengers transported by road of " Orelavtotrans ."
The insurance contract will be provided by construction works and equipment construction site. In addition, insurance coverage will be provided liability for damage to life, health and property of third parties. Insurance contracts concluded for the 2015-2018 biennium. Shall enter into force upon signature and shall be valid up to the commissioning. P>
Kerch bridge - transport passage through the Kerch Strait. It is planned to build a bridge with railway and road tolls. The bridge will take place between the Kerch and Taman Peninsula across the island of Tuzla and Tuzla Spit. Construction of the bridge will give significant impetus to the economic development of the Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory. P>
The total amount of insurance liability under the contract - 7.1 bln. Rubles. P>