Insurance agencies in Volgograd signed a contract with "Tekhnoavia - operate " under the program of property insurance of legal lits.Dlya maximum financial protection , a contract was signed for the full package of risks in relation to the goods , on four stores . P>
The sum insured was 32 000 000 . P>
Insurance agencies in the city of Rostov- on-Don was awarded a contract of insurance with " Konstantinovskavtotrans " program for collective insurance against accidents.
IBG has won the competition for the right to sign the agreement on the program of auto insurance with public institutions Voronezh region «Civil defense , civil protection and fire safety of the Voronezh region».
The institution was created on the basis of Resolution of the Government of the Voronezh region , currently has 7 branches . Insurance amounted to 124 880 000,00 rubles .