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18 may 2015
Voronezh: IBG insured FGKU SVR Research Affairs of Russia's Voronezh Region

Insurance agency in the city of Voronezh won the tender for the right to sign the agreement on the program of auto insurance with FGKU SVR Research Affairs of Russia in the Voronezh region.  

The region is guarded by private security divisions for more than three and a half thousand objects, including objects of particular importance, high-risk, life support, with a large concentration of inventory, explosives and narcotics.  

Insurance amounted to 114 240 000,00 rubles.

12 may 2015
Eagle : IBG insured PKU " TsHiSO AMIA Russia Orel "

Insurance agencies in the city of Orel had won an open tender for the right to sign the agreement on the program of auto insurance with the federal public institutions "Center for Economic and Service Support Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Oryol region ." The insurance program involved 416 vehicles institutions .      

The maximum amount of insurance cover for all risks of 374.4 million rubles .

10 april 2015
IBG застраховала ОАО "172 ЦАРЗ" по программе автострахования

Страховое агентство в городе Воронеже обеспечило комплексной защитой по программе автострахования одно из старейших предприятий города - ОАО 172 центральный автомобильный ремонтный завод. The history of the company comes from the distant 1942, it has more than a dozen years.

На сегодняшней день это современное предприятие, основными направлениями деятельности которого являются производство, разработка, утилизация и ремонт автомобильной техники и спецтехники, а также металлообработка на высокотехнологическом оборудовании

Страховая сумма составила 15 120 000,00 руб.
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