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25 july 2012
IBG заключила 19 договоров страхования ОСОПО в Белгородской области на общую сумму 325 млн. руб.

IBG has insured the liability of the owners of hazardous industrial facilities : JSC " Krasnojaruzhsky Grain Company " and ZAO " Novooskolskiy Grain Company " of the Group of companies " Prioskolie ." 19 insurance contracts concluded for a period of 1 year from the total amount of insurance cover 325 million . Rubles .

18 july 2012
IBG застраховала компанию ООО "РВК-Воронеж" по ОСОПО с объемом ответственности 175 млн. руб.

IBG has insured 13 hazardous industrial facilities owned by OOO " MER- Voronezh " . Договор ОСОПО заключен на срок 1 год с объемом ответственности 175 млн. руб. LLC " Voronezh - RVC " is a group of companies " ROCVODOKANAL " , which is the largest private operator in the field of water supply and sanitation in Russia.

10 july 2012
IBG has insured against accidents 100 schoolchildren leaving for summer vacation in the Voronezh region , the amount of 2 mln. Rubles .

Group of school children ( 100 ) insured against accidents   the full package of risks totaling 2 mln. rubles . , during the summer holidays in children's health camp "Salute" ( Voronezh region, Buturlinovka , cordon Kutsansky ) .

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