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28 december 2012
IBG congratulate your friends, colleagues and partners a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas !

10 august 2012
IBG congratulates its friends and partners on the Day of the Builder !

IBG congratulates its friends and partners on the Day of the Builder !

3 august 2012
IBG congratulates its friends and partners on the Day Railwayman!

Dear friends!  

We congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of the railwayman!    

Railroads, without exaggeration, are the "circulatory system" of the Russian economy. Therefore, in many of your difficult work of the future of our country and of each of its inhabitants.    

Only rail allows us to estimate the beauty and grandeur of our Motherland!    

On this festive day, I wish you further professional success, good health and happiness to you and your loved ones!  

With respect,  
JSC "The insurance business group"  
Moskalev TN

IBG congratulates its friends and partners on the Day Railwayman!

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