"Expert RA" (RAEX) confirmed the reliability rating of IBG at A sublayer and raised to the 2nd
The rating agency "Expert RA" (RAEX) confirmed the reliability rating of the insurance company IBG at A "high level of reliability." Прогноз по рейтингу "стабильный".Кроме того повышен подуровень рейтинга повышен с третьего до второго.
The positive effect on the final rating have high values of current ratio (136.3% on 30/06/2015), and the adjusted net insurance liquidity (143.7% on 06/30/2015), a significant deviation of the actual solvency margin of the minimum capital (78.0% on 06.30.2015), the low value of net loss ratio (17.9% in the 1st half of 2015) and the combined loss ratio (94.3% in the 1st half of 2015). Кроме того, аналитики агентства отмечают высокую надежность и диверсификацию инвестиционного портфеля.
"Increasing sublevel rating due to improvement in the quality of reinsurance protection. The share of premiums, transferred to reinsurance companies without reliability ratings or having ratings of B + or below on a scale RAEX (Expert RA) and / or a similar rating of other rating agencies, in the aggregate страховых премиях компании снизилась с 22,0% за 2014 год до 12,8% за 1 полугодие 2015 года", - отмечает аналитик по страховым рейтингам RAEX (Эксперт РА) Диана Коваленко.
More detailed information is presented in
официальном пресс-релизе компании "Эксперт-РА" (RAEX).