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15 june 2012
IBG presents its new corporate website www.ibg.ru

June 15 launched a new corporate website with the former IBG address www.ibg.ru. Developed on a new technological platform , has received a modern design , well thought out concept and structure . Services site provides a complete information about the company and its services , online consultation or book directly on the site policy .  
IBG expresses its gratitude to the staff media5   for showing creativity and quality of work.

22 march 2012
IBG has participated in the V Voronezh Industrial Forum

From 21 to 23 March 2012 Company VTS "Veta" conducted in Voronezh 5th specialized "Voronezh Industrial Forum 2012".    

The event was supported by the Government of the Voronezh region, the Chamber of Commerce of the Voronezh region, the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Administration of city district Voronezh, Employers' Council of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Voronezh region ", the Association of economic interaction of subjects RF "Central Black Earth" and Voronezh CSTI.    

IBG company is a full member of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).    

The forum was held International Specialized Exhibition "Energy Resources", "Innovative Technology", "Ecology in the industry", "Industry. Utilities", "Ecology in the industry."    

One of the most urgent topics of the forum was the entry into force of the Law 225-FZ "On compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner of a dangerous object for injury in an accident at the hazardous facility" (OVOP).    

IBG has 15 years of experience in the insurance liability arising in connection with the operation of hazardous production facilities.    

Realizing that for businesses will be very difficult to get used to the new legislation in the field of public benefit operating at such short notice and on time their obligations under this type of insurance, IBG actively participated in the work of the activities of the forum and clarify the current market situation.

20 march 2012
IBG Management participated in the general meeting of the Russian Union of Insurers (RSA)

March 20, 2012 IBG Management participated in the general meeting of the Russian Union of Insurers (RSA).    

At the end of the meeting adopted a number of important decisions concerning the whole insurance market.    

One of the most significant - the reform of the Presidium of the Union, which will now include not only the company's principle of "5% fees on insurance - is one place", but also medium and small insurers in the insurance market.    

At the same time, the company will have ten votes, collecting the highest number of awards in the market place was shared by seven insurers in the second twenty, three seats will go to companies outside the top 30. In one place on the podium, as before, will retain representatives of government agencies: the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Financial Markets Service, one seat will be the president of the Union.    

Changing the system of formation of the presidium will inevitably lead to a change in the order of payment of membership dues to the PCA, proposals for which have to be prepared specially created working group until June 7 2012    

Also held at the Presidium of the Union was a question of re-election of the head of the Union was involved in the scandal with the new rules inspection of cars at the beginning of this year.    

According to the results of the meeting it was decided that Paul Bunin will retain the post of President of the PCA.

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