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21 july 2015
IBG holds steady position in the market

The rating agency "RIA Rating" published the Ranking of insurance companies by volume of premiums - the results of I quarter of 2015. According to the research agency IBG entered the Top 50 rating of Russian insurance companies.

Just RIA "Rating" has become more than 300 Russian insurance companies. Ranking based on the Bank of Russia and is constructed by ranking of insurance companies by volume obtained in the I quarter 2015 premiums of voluntary and compulsory insurance with the exception of mandatory health insurance (MHI).

Despite the fact that experts RIA Rating predict continued deterioration of the situation, especially strong effect on voluntary types of insurance, the chosen strategy of the company, makes it possible to IBG is sure to maintain its position as the previous confirmed entry in the top 50 domestic insurers according to the Central Bank for 2014.

22 june 2015
IBG Management took part in the International Economic Forum
IBG Management took part in the International Economic Forum, прошедшего в северной столице 18-20 июня.
The business program of the Forum company leaders took part in the round tables and plenary sessions, a series of meetings and negotiations with representatives of business and government that helped to identify areas for further development and promotion of the company today.      
SPIEF brings together leading politicians and businessmen to identify and discuss issues and challenges facing Russia and the world community, emerging markets, attract the necessary forces to seek the common goal of finding solutions.  
On the site now the main themes were the issues of the Russian economy under sanctions, forecasts and prospects; extension of Western sanctions; the results of the rating of investment climate regions of the country, and a number of other topics.  
The forum was attended by over 10 thousand. People representing 120 countries.      
The discussion was attended by the leaders of Greece, China, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Iraq, and eight former heads of state, some 200 heads of foreign companies at the level of CEOs and 1500 - their Russian colleagues. It signed 205 agreements worth more than $ 293.4 billion. Rub., Of strategic importance for the country.  
The key event of the forum was the speech of Russian President Vladimir Putin at the plenary session, the participants with the reassurance that Russia is open to the world and to stabilize the economic situation in the country.  
St. Petersburg Economic Forum completed its work, confirming the reputation of Russia's largest area of investment decisions.
9 june 2015
IBG held a conference, which was attended by the heads of the agency network company  

The main purpose was to discuss the strategic development of the company in the current economic conditions, the results of the first four months of this year, and plans for further development of the regional network.    

The conference heard reports of the heads of departments and heads of insurance companies.    

In addition, issues of coordination between regional offices, the balance of the insurance portfolio, the improvement of the organization and technology sales of insurance products in the region, the process of settlement of losses.    

During the discussion it was noted that despite the current situation in the country's insurance market, previously adopted strategy of the company has confirmed its effectiveness in practice. Among the positive dynamics of development, the increase in capitalization and profitability through the effective management of capital and gain a competitive advantage.    

The balance of the insurance portfolio is at an optimal level, that the realities of today's economy is one of the main indicators of the stability and reliability of the company.    

At the conference were awarded the most efficient staff of the Agency, adopted a number of recommendations and instructions.    

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