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23 november 2012
IBG spent the next stage of training students in the framework of the corporate educational program "School Agency IBG»

IBG conducts regular training and retraining of its employees and agents in the framework of corporate educational programs. Corporate Programme & laquo; Agency School IBG & raquo; designed for a wide range of students and is conducted in several stages, in which students receive an overview of the insurance, get acquainted with the basic insurance products, procedures, calculations and documentation. After training many students enter into agency contracts with the company and begin the work of insurance agents under the guidance of experienced supervisors. & Nbsp;

15 november 2012
IBG announces a contest for the right to sign the contract for mandatory audit of financial statements of the company for 2013. prepared in accordance with RAS and IFRS

IBG (JSC "The insurance business group") invites audit companies to take part in the qualification for the right to enter into an Agreement for the statutory audit of accounting (financial) statements of the IBG of 2013, prepared in accordance with Russian Accounting Standards (RAS) and the audit of the consolidated financial statements Company for 2013, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).  

Qualifying proposals for participation in the competition are accepted in sealed envelopes marked "qualifying offer to participate in the prequalification number KO-3" up to 12-00 hours Moscow time "30" in November 2012 at the address: 394006, Voronezh, st. Platonov, 16, JSC "The insurance business group".  

Services on statutory audit of accounting (financial) statements prepared in accordance with RAS are in 2 stages: I stage - audited statements for the 6 months of 2013 - up to 04.10.2013 year; Stage II - the audit reports for 2013 - up to 03.14.2014 year. Services on the audit of consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS, the auditor are in one stage up to 04.11.2014 year.  

Qualification will be held on 30 November 2012 in Voronezh. The contract with the winner of the competition is subject to approval by the Company's audit organization by the annual general meeting of shareholders.  

Text of qualification and the application form for participation in the selection can be downloaded from the Company  

JSC "The insurance business group" - a dynamically developing universal insurance company providing a full range of insurance services: property insurance, liability, personal insurance. The company is focused on the insurance industry, engineering, construction, financial risks. According to the rating agency "Expert RA" takes the 8th place among the largest companies in the insurance of construction risks.  
The company was founded in 1997.  
Shareholders of CJSC "Management Company" Recon "  
Business geography: 47 regions  
Number of employees in November 2012: the state of 130 people and 539 insurance agents  
Expert RA Rating "A" (high reliability)

13 november 2012
IBG has received the diploma of the winner of the international award in the field of entrepreneurial activity "Elite National Economy 2012"

IBG has received the diploma of the winner of the international award in the field of entrepreneurial activity "Elite National Economy 2012". The ceremony took place on November 8 in the hall "Big Peter" The hotel complex "President-Hotel" Manager of the RF President.  

The international award in the field of entrepreneurship "elite of the national economy" was established in 2008 by the Committee of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship and the Fund for the promotion of entrepreneurship.

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