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17 august 2012
"Expert RA" has raised the security rating IBG

The rating agency "Expert RA" raised the rating to the level of reliability of IBG A "high level of reliability"Rating outlook "stable" (likely save rated at the same level in the medium term). Previously, the company has acted rating of B ++ "Acceptable level of reliability" rating outlook "stable."  

"In raising reliability rating of stabilization affected a number of financial indicators of the company: there are low values of net loss ratio (25.3% in 2011) and combined net loss ratio (80.8% in 2011), the high values of the coefficient of current liquidity (157.6% on 1 April 2012) and the adjusted ratio of net insurance liquidity (90.2% on 1 April 2012), the highest deviation of the actual size of the regulatory solvency margin (473.2% on January 1, 2012), high enough equity (120.0% on April 1, 2012), high rates of return on assets (5.7% in 2011) and equity (13.3% in 2011), "- commented Tatiana Poludenko, Expert of the ratings of insurance companies "Expert RA".  

The investment portfolio is highly reliable, diversification, stability and liquidity.  

IBG in 2011 focused on the provision of insurance of construction risks, corporate property, insurance, hull insurance w / railway, passenger insurance.  

In 2011, according to the "Expert RA", IBG ranked 53rd in terms of total insurance premiums, 9 th place on the insurance of passengers, 12th insurance construction, 34 th in property insurance of legal persons 45first place for insurance.  

According to "Expert RA", on 01.07.2012 the company's assets amounted to 1,909,825 thou. Rubles, own funds - 718 386 thous. Rubles, the authorized capital - 502 002 thous. Rubles, the total insurance contributions for the first six months of 2012 amounted to 681 169 thous. rubles.  

IBG - universal Russian insurance company specializing in insurance of infrastructure projects in the field of transport construction.

16 august 2012
The IBG summarized the results of the company for the first half of 2012

According to the results of the IBG for the first half of 2012, total insurance premiums amounted to 681.169 million. Rub., While 93% were insurance premiums on voluntary insurance, 7% - for compulsory insurance.  
As before, the priority areas in corporate insurance are insurance construction, property of enterprises and organizations of railway rolling stock, insurance, OVOP and in retail insurance - insurance, accident insurance, insurance of property of citizens.  

As of 30.06.2012 the year:    

  • The company's assets amounted to 1.909 billion. Rub.  
  • Formed insurance reserves amounted to 513,648,000. Rub.  
  • Shareholders' equity amounted to 718.386 million. Rubles.

14 august 2012
The IBG approved a new edition of " Corporate Governance Code "

new edition «Corporate Governance Code»Approved in IBG, it is the next step in the process of implementing the principles of strategic management of the company. The Code provides for the improvement of the internal control system , which in turn allows you to optimize business processes and improve customer service .

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