IBG insured by OVOP sugar mills and agribusinesses in Voronezh, Belgorod , Kursk and Penza regions , Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Bashkortostan . Liability of owners of dangerous objects insured for a total insured amount of over 1.37 billion . Rubles.
IBG has concluded the contract of voluntary insurance of the carrier's liability to passengers in g.Borisoglebske .
The insurance contract liability towards passengers signed with LLC "TRANS- AUTO" .
IBG Representation in St. Petersburg provided insurance protection products Ltd. " Schwenk Dammtehnik " ("SCHWENK Dammtechnik Gmb & Co.KG", Germany ) - CLIMOWOOL ( mineral wool -based staple fiber ) .
Goods (materials ) on the warehouse are insured for more than 15 mln. Rubles . risks "Fire" , " unlawful acts of third persons" , " outside influences ", " Natural disasters " .