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12 september 2012
IBG has insured the civil liability of aircraft owners and air carriers in the amount of 8 million 300 thousand . Rub. Hot air balloons have been insured in the cities of Khabarovsk and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk .
23 august 2012
IBG insured property sports complex " Peter's bath " in the amount of 150.8 million . Rubles .

IBG insured property   sports complex " Peter baths ." The contract is concluded for a period of 1 year with the amount of responsibility 150.8 million . Rubles .

21 august 2012
IBG players insured child , youth and adult teams hockey club "Buran" ( Voronezh) accident insurance amount totaling 10,770,000 . Rub.

Players child , youth and adult teams hockey club "Buran" ( Voronezh) insured by IBG accident. Contracts signed for one year with the amount of responsibility 10,770,000 . Rub.  
In addition to the IBG insured responsibility of the hockey club "Buran" ( Voronezh) to third parties during the matches in the amount of 5.2 mln . Rubles .

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