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27 june 2012
IBG has paid a resident of Moscow in the amount of insurance compensation 132 thousand . Rub. under a contract of accident insurance of railway passengers

IBG payment of insurance compensation in the amount of 132 thousand . Rub. resident of Moscow , was injured during heavy braking of the train " Michurinsk -Moscow " at the entrance to the Kazan station . The victim was insured by accidents on the railways   $ 500 thousand . rub.

28 may 2012
IBG has paid the owner of a vehicle NISSAN TEANA, injured in a traffic accident more than 152 thous . Rubles.

  IBG has paid the owner of a vehicle NISSAN TIANA, injured in a traffic accident more than 152 thous . rubles.

14 february 2012
IBG осуществила страховые выплаты хоккеистам клуба "Буран"

По договору страхования от несчастных случаев двум спортсменам ХК "Буран" были выплачены 15 000 рублей и 5 000 рублей - в зависимости от степени полученных травм.

IBG provides insurance protection to athletes who engage in sports schools and clubs Voronezh. This school " Olympic Hopes ", " Crystal Skate ", " Tamerlane ," " Soaring Eagle" , " Ashihara Karate ," " School of rock climbing and tourism ", " Football Federation " , "Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics " and sports camp "Sunrise".

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