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26 december 2012
IBG has paid over 289 thousand . Rub. for damage resulting CHMEZ locomotive №2200 at derailment during maneuvers at the station Stoylenskaya ( Belgorod region )

24.09.2012 as a result of a derailment at shunting movements of the station Stoylenskaya ( Belgorod region ) was damaged locomotive CHMEZ №2200. IBG paid on the insured event more than 289 thousand . Rub.  

The locomotive was insured under the insurance contract IBG railway rolling stock.

17 december 2012
IBG has paid 51 thousand. Rub. two employees of "Voronezh Regional Clinical TB Dispensary them. Pohvisnevoy NS" for the damage caused to their health

IBG has paid 51 thousand. Rub. two employees of "Voronezh Regional Clinical TB Dispensary them. Pohvisnevoy NS" for the damage caused to their health, в результате профессионального заболевания.

Employees dispensary IBG were insured under a contract of life insurance and health of medical, pharmaceutical and other employees of state and municipal health systems.

10 december 2012
IBG has paid 162 thousand. Rub. for damage caused by the construction object "Reconstruction of the roadbed on the Volga 853 km railway section Rtishchevo-Saratov", as a result of heavy rain

IBG has paid 162 thousand. Rub. for damage caused by the construction object "Reconstruction of the roadbed on the Volga 853 km railway section Rtishchevo-Saratov", as a result of heavy rain.

The object of construction "Reconstruction of the roadbed on the Volga 853 km railway section Rtishchevo-Saratov" IBG was insured under the insurance contract construction activities and scope of responsibility 32.4 million. Rubles.

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